To further my on going research study of the Tucson local (t-loc) i decided it would be best to partake in a common souther Arizona tradition......ice blocking. I enlisted the help of 2 souther Arizona residents to help shed light on this most unique of activities. The adventure started around 7 o'clock with one Brooke and Ashley Schneider arriving at my house of residence. We then proceeded to head to a local gas station and convenience store known in these parts as circle K. I then learned something new, that i could buy a 10 pound block of ice for the low down price of $1.99. After i found out that i could not share with the girls and had to buy my own ice block we all piled into Brooke's car pinkie and the road trip to a grassy hill started. The hill that is known for ice blocking is found at a private golf course. So naturally on arriving at the golf course we had to park in a back of a dark parking lot and sneak through the desert to a par 3. I was very skeptical on how well this would work so I let Brooke take the first ride down the hill. After seeing her slide down the hill with ease, i jumped on my ice bock and flew down the hill much faster, farther, and with much more grace then she could have ever accomplished. The fun began. The 3 of us took turns riding down the hill, laughing, and then climbing back up the hill for some time. We eventually moved over to a par 5 to try an even bigger hill, we found it and ice blocked down it for a little while but then the sprinkles were turned on and we had to find another hill to ice block on. We walk for a while with ice blocks in hand but could not find a better hill, eventually we returned to the par 5 hill when the sprinklers were turned off and went down a couple more times. On climbing up the hill for the last time the Schneider girls realized that there were "frogs" all over the place. Both had a distaste for frogs, i don't know why, one of the girls said that she was afraid the frog would, "ribbit" on her.....I settled the girls nerves by catching a "frog" and then confirming that it was not a frog but a toad. Eventually i got Brooke to come over and pet the toad, and the the fear of toads left her. The night was down and we returned home with wet, icy butts.....