Saturday, April 26, 2008


Well, another interesting photo that I thought of while watching TV. I either have a really long neck, or a massive torso, I can't decide.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

A day under a mountain and a day on a mountain.

Me a brooke (gangles) made the journey to collosal cave, i think thats what its called it could have been collosum cave, i really wasn't paying that much attention. It was fun, it wasn't as cool as some of the caves i've been in such as mamoth cave or wind cave or what ever cave i've been in last, but it was cool and i do enjoy going into caves across the states. Also about 3 seconds after the guide warned us about the low ceiling, brooke ran her head into it, and on the way home we stopped and got bread from an old lady in a barn........Then the next day, today, me and brooke took, the puppy up on the mountain for a little hike, it was great we hiked along the side of the mountain for 2.5 miles or so. Stevie was great we could just drop the leash and she would lead the way or follow, it was a good time.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Stop Motion. Booyeah.

Well, here is another example of end of the year boredom. Its definitely not as good as my last stop motion video, but I think it is still very entertaining. I also felt a blogger drought, since I have not posted in a while. Enjoy.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

"Rock biking" with gangles

Gangles(brooke) greatest dream came true, thats right she got a chance to go rock biking(mountain biking) with me. So we got her cousins bike that was made out of lead and maybe was purchased in 1968, and threw it on the back of my car and drove are way to fantasy island. She had all the correct protective wear elbow pads and knee pads (even if it was really one knee pad and 3 elbow bads, none of them matching), i had to convince her that wrist gaurds were not needed, i mean after all holding onto the handle bars is more important than protecting wrists, at least in my book. So naturally i took my camera (the old one) with me so that i could take some picture, i took a pic of gangles with all her protective gear on, and a picture of me going down the half pipe, and then gangles going down the half pipe, i hope you enjoy......