I figured that everyone would like to see what my Christmas was like. So to explain the pictures. We have brooke jumping for joy, Brooke and I by the Christmas tree, me opening up a present, and house on the block with Christmas lights...........
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas in Arizona
I figured that everyone would like to see what my Christmas was like. So to explain the pictures. We have brooke jumping for joy, Brooke and I by the Christmas tree, me opening up a present, and house on the block with Christmas lights...........
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Wind + water + wind chill = Massive Ice
Monday, December 15, 2008
The Apartment
I know that no one but me has seen where i have been living. I figured it would be a good idea to then take some pictures and make a movie. That way everyone can see what its like in anaheim.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Another GeeWilliker Production
Well, I have been wanted to do a stop motion/photoshop combination video for a while, but I haven't had time with the semester coming to an end and all. So I made use of this thanksgiving break and created what I think is a sweet video. Enjoy.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Beach Fun
So I had Sunday and Monday off and what would be better then having Brooke drive in? Nothing, i know, nothing would be better. Brooke got in Sunday afternoon and we went to Huntington beach to check out the ocean. The video is a collection of all our beach pictures. Monday we then went to the most magical place on earth, Disney Land. Sorry i don't have any pictures. I didn't bring my camera. I do have a couple on my camera phone but its a struggle to get them off and then onto my computer. On Tuesday after practice Brooke and I made our way to Huntington beach again and we rented wet suits and boogy boards and road some waves. It was tons of fun, but sorry again no pictures from that day either. Obviously if i brought my camera in the water it would no longer function.............but we did see a guy catch a sting ray, and found some sweet two person bikes. No not tandems, but indeed two person bikes. Don't worry Mur, her classes were canceled so she didn't miss anything.....
Sunday, November 9, 2008
More Mountain Fun
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Holy Crap!!!!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Yale Halloween 2008
More Frightning the More You Think About It
Porch & Carpet
The bad luck the rolls my way
Well, here are some pics of what I "was" this year. But the kinda funny thing was that we walked around campus and we stumbled upon a "doctor" so we did a reenactment sort of thing. Trevor, my roommate was a creepy old man, in which he talked in the old man creepy voice from family guy, if you know who he is...
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The 13D Massacre
Well, this is sorta a response to the video that Kirk made but more because I had some time to burn on a Saturday so I made time lapse video. Now, there is an insane amount of weird things that happen during this video so you may need to watch it a few times. So I guess what I am trying to say here is enjoy this movie, and getcha popcorn ready. P.S. The video quality is really bad, but on my computer you are able to see the pattern be drawn on the pumpkin, and then be cut. Not so much with this video, is very fussy.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Bike Test
I wanted to become the greatest most creative person in the world. So i made a mountain biking video. "with what camera?" you ask. Ok Kent stop interupting my post. Obviously with Brooke's point and shoot camera. The only problem was that my video was about 4 mins long. That my friends is to long for blogspot. So i cut it down to size into two vids. One of me (falling, but not getting hurt), and the other of brooke hitting the biggest jump that could only be imagined in imagination land......
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Trip to Central Lake (Bellaire)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Bancroft Canada
For my mineralogy class I got to go on a field trip to Bancroft Canada. Wooohooo!. We went to many places around the bancroft area and collected many different minerals. My favorite that I collected was called Betafite. Yes, it emites beta radiation and I found the biggest chunk of it. It makes the gieger counter go crazy. But we also went to old inactive mines like a mine called fission mine, and McDonald mine. Saw some bats in the fission mine but the McDonald mine was much cooler I thought. There was a mine shaft in the McDonald mine that the teachers told us to not stay too long in the shaft because there was some crazy radioactive mineral in the shaft. If we stayed in the shaft too long it would be like getting a short burst of X-ray. Cooooool beans. All in all it was a awesome trip where we found some sweet crystaline minerals and went on some cool hikes to get to the places where we find the minerals. The crazy thing about this area was that we drove for miles and miles on random dirt roads and pass tons of lakes/swamps but no matter how secluded the dirt road, there would always be a random house at one point during the trip down the road. This area of canada was pretty awesome. The only problem for me was I did more exploring then collecting. whoops.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Hutch's Pool
So me and brooke went for another little hike. We took the tram all the way to the top of sabino canyon to start our hike. We wanted to hike to Hutch's Pool. It was a trail that hiked out of sabino canyon and into the national forest. The hike wasn't very exciting. It was hot, but not to hot. The problem was that there really wasn't to many cool things to look at.....except for brooke freaking out when a snake went across the trail and went a grass hopper jumped in her boot. I tried out some new photography. Its called HDR. What HDR (high dynamic range) is when you take mutliply pictures of the same thing but each picture has either a different shutter speed or a different apeture. Then by using the wonder of photoshop you blend all the pictures together. So what you get is a pictures that has a high dymanic range. THis all works because everytime you take a picture you really are only setting your camera up to pick up a dynamic range (the highlights, or lowlights) So by taking pictures of all the highlights or lowlights and then mixing them together you get a really strange looking picture. Now i'm not sure is blogspot has the correct format to show the pics, but i'll try, i'm just getting started so these pics don't look to wierd, but google hdr photos and you will find some cool ones.........alright but back to the trail, the only problem was the trail was like a 5 hour hike, so me and brooke hiked to what we thought was the pool, took some pics and then left, but really it wasn't the pool and we saw some cool pics online.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Turkey Camp on Mt. Lemon
Brooke and I made a little fun trip up to mt lemon to do a little camping. The camp ground was pretty cool because on either side of the road the mountain would drop off into a valley and at the bottom of each valley was, of course, a little stream. The first day we climbed down a good ways to a the small stream to the left of camp and found a small water fall and so we relaxed and read books. The next day we hiked to the right of camp and found another small water fall and a perfect view of tucson. We again relaxed and read books. Here are some of the pics from the trip i got some cool pics of the stars, i'm getting better at taking pictures of them, hope you enjoy.......
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