This is possibly the greatest discovery in my lifetime. As I was downstairs, preparing a tall glass of delicious apple cider I overheard my father say softly to my mother, "Doesn't that look exactly like Kent". My attention was immediately grabbed. As I leaped with excitement to find out if I finally found my long lost twin/dopleganger and I noticed that this person was in sports illustrated in the "Picture of the Year" category basically saying that my dopleganger is famous. As I inspected my twin, I saw no differences. It was truly amazing, an exact copy of myself in a different location. This exited me and I preceded to parade this image throughout the house and showed my sister and brother and they completely agreed and had a joyous celebration along with myself. The only difference that I could find is that this fellow has a poor choice in hats, and that I would NEVER wear a baby blue hat. I hope that you are easily able to find me in this photo and comment if you agree if this is an exact copy of myself. And to you fellow Kent, if you are reading this, I hope find me so that we can unite, and slowly take over the world finding more Kents.