We all know that mom has been using a small piece of land to produce plenty of scrumptious vegetables. The little plot of land produced many colorful flowers, and tons of "razelberries".
Something that we did not know however is who's land this garden was taking place on. Mom has been secretly using government land (Satan Buxa's land, aka: the naked children army aka: "cant stand having people use 1/100 of my land to produce things of nutrition".) to make a garden. I am sick and tired of these people of Hatred. Maybe they were pissed because they never got any of those luscious 3 tomatoes mom produced, i just don't know.
Me and Kirk also had a similar experience when taking abbi back onto their land to look for salamanders. Kirk had abbi on his shoulders and I was just in front leading the way. As soon as we made a attempt to cross into the death zone, satan, I mean Mr. buxa yelled to us in a stern voice, "HEY, what are you kids going back there for" I wanted to reply to kill and bury abbi so no one could find the remains, but we just innocently said that we were going to try to find salamanders.
There have been many other encounters with the Buxas and i am sick and tired of his ridiculous barbed wire fences and no trespassing signs. (because a barbed wire fence surrounding your house has a very friendly look to it.
But for now we will just have to suck it up, and deal with those Buxas.
PS if you notice in the picture, the wiring covers only the place where moms garden is and does not stretch the length of his property on the road side. Trying to give us a meassage? Or just being plain evil.