Sunday, October 28, 2007

Frogs are Cool, but Dinasaurs & Pumpkins are Better!

First, for those of you who could not attend the festivities of Abbi's 3rd Birthday Party, here is a picture of the cake that Kerry created. I will say that she totally rules and really out-did herself on this one. What will she create next?....................her birthday is coming up, maybe she'll old woman cake to signify her jump to 32 years old.

Also, here are some pics of my lovely "girls" with our pumkins...................the HOT ONE is my wife, Kerry,...............the two cute ones are my offspring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally, here is a spooky picture of our Jack-O-Lanterns...................


Kirk said...

your offspring have the same sized heads, weren't they born at different times?

Kent said...

psh, i carved a pumpkin and totally won a contest here at my dorm. fitty dollars richer baby!!

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