Sunday, February 3, 2008

My Desk is Alive

So yes, i had another day where i was bored and didn't really have any homework. So here it is.


Kirk said...

i wish i went to your college, the college of no homework and way to much free time

Kent said...

haha. Well, i think its a little different when you dont play college basketball.

Kirk said...

you make a valid point, but how did you make the movie, was that with photoshop?

Kent said...

No, it consisted of 86 photos, and windows movie maker.

Sam said...

86 photos? That is a surprisingly small amount to me. Are you taking requests for the subject of your next short film?

Keep up the good work.

Kent said...

yes, If there are any requests. I kinda want to do another, Plz let me know. But yeah, 86 photos, wasent moving that fast, so its kinda choppy. but its my first one.

Scott said...

I feel bad for optical mouse. It is clear that batteries hate mouse and use their mob like influence to pressure it into places it doesn't want to be. I also don't like the arm. It seemed pretentious.

Kent said...

Are you mocking my arm????? Would it be better if i found the hottest girl on campus and used her arm instead?

Scott said...

Never ask question you know that answer to. Hot girl arm=good. Kent arm=indifferent.