With recent events beyond my control i had been given a little bit of time that normally i would not have. So me and brooke decided it would be time to do a little bit of camping. So we went on the mountain and found the only camp ground open. It was a small tent only camp ground that had 11 spots. He sent up shop and did the wonderful camping things that people love to do, like look for firewood, start a fire, and explore the area. It was a small camp ground so there was no running water and there was only 2 pit toilets. I hadn't packed any water but this wasn't a problem because i had my life straw. Now the life straw is a huge thick straw that will filter everything bad out of water for 700 liters of use. Its kinda hard to drink out of its about the same difficulty to suck an arbeys jamoca shake through a church coffee stir straw, but if thats the price i have to take to not poop my brains out, then i'm willing to do that. Since we could make a fire i got to see the excited little girl version of brooke around a fire. She is afraid of fire but loves to lite matches and throw them in the fire. She likes to throw pine needles in the fire. She also likes to throw huge logs in the that smother it. I got a bunch of good photos, and i'm getting very camera savy with my new camera, it also snowed when we woke up, so enjoy some pics around the camp site.
p.s. ben also got a puppy, black lab mix with something
This seems like a very exiting time. Did you leave your lens open for a really long time? Alos, unless I just missed it, Im not sure you explained who's puppy that was.
yes i had to get a good balance of the lense being open and a low f number, then me and brooke would move every 8 seconds or so......pretty sweet, and its bens dog.
What are you going to name the pic? That puppy is cute but plan on it ruining something you own. You can talk to my brother about that. That water you were drinking looked absolutely delicious....
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