So my Petrology class went on a field trip, (Petrology not meaning the great search for oil, but the study of Metamorphic, Igneous rocks). We headed over to Charlottesville Virginia, the great town of Thomas Jefferson. From there we drove to various places. On the first day we went to a cave that was not well known and not crowded. This was an awesome cave, there were places where we had to army crawl to get through tight places and shuffle sideways the get through narrow passageways. It was one of the cooler things I have done. The second day we went on the blue ridge highway, which goes up into the appalacians and weaves around in there. We looked at some outcrops and some cool scenery. So here are a few pictures of my journey, I have many more cool pics that I may post later but for now, I will keep you waiting on the edge of you seat.
Funny story so in my whole 5 years at Arizona i went to the library 5 times, 3 were for group project meeting, 1 was a study review, and 1 was for a book on something related to biology.........i destroyed college.
Speaking of Thomas Jefferson, uncle jack showed me his Jefferson library yesterday, and now i want to have a library
My question is, A library of What?
I don't know yet, and i forgot to ask you the question i know you've been waiting for.......soooo you kill any rocks while you were there?
My favorite field trip as a Bio/Chem major the library.
The calvin library. Never play the baritone. Never choose a major where w/o field trips.
That was a depressing statement there brother. I find fieldtrips to the library fun.....NOT. But I do enjoy traveling the world for class credit!
Funny story so in my whole 5 years at Arizona i went to the library 5 times, 3 were for group project meeting, 1 was a study review, and 1 was for a book on something related to biology.........i destroyed college.
ohhh wait i took field trips all the time, to Madison square garden, staples arena, and Hawaii, but those were not related to my major.
SON OF gum you are right!
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