Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Yes i carved this pumpkin, and yes it did win 50 dollars in a local dorm contest between 5 dorms.

It looks way cooler when its lite up, but stupid rules say that candles are not allowed inside of the dorms. But if there was a candle in it, i outlined the teeth so they would light up.

My drawing is what i origionally planned to do, but they (the community council), put a 45 minute time limit on the contest so i decided to leave out the broken hole/worm idea and left out all the detailed finishing lines and just went with the plain skull.

competition well dominated.


Kirk said...

i'm speechless

Brad/Kerry said...

My holey pumpkin idea, doesn't even come close....nice!

Scott said...

That will always make you popular with the ladies.

"Wanna see my pumpkin?, Oh ya!"