Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sadie's Progression

For those of you that don't see here all that often, here is the recent advancement in our daughter's motor development......can get up all by herself!!! Also, she walks about 90% of the time now. She'll be 10 months on April 5. Sorry, you may have to crane your neck to view it.


Kent said...

Nice, I just wish I could walk around with my hands in the air.

Kirk said...

that little monster can walk on the walls like crazy

Scott said...

I don't know what the big deal is. I am a way better walker and don't even need to use my hands when I'm on the ground. Your baby sucks compared to me. Oh snap. That's right. I went there.

Also, I rarely poop my pants. So I got that goin' for me too.